Desember 23, 2010

A Special Gift in December

I haven't updated my blog for a month because I was preparing to take one of my goal. LOL :p
But I still tried to update my Twitter and Facebook. hehehe :)
So guys, thank you for updating.

I proudly present this.....

This is one of things that I desire much recently. Well, 477 is not a really good score but the  level of questions difficulty makes me be proud for the achievement. Of course I should tell my-really-nice-updating-readers about the usage of that paper, shouldn't I?

Ok then!

I am applying to take a scholarship program from The Indonesian International Education Foundation. It actually provides many scholarship programs, but I prefer to take Indonesia English Language Study Program (IELSP). It has been one of the requirements for attaching one copy of either International TOEFL or TOEFL ITP minimum-450-score. 
I realized my ability that I was poor in experience so that I chose TOEFL ITP as my choice. Have you ever heard about that kind of TOEFL? It's an institusional testing program. This ITP score record is NOT to be used to fulfill entrance requirements to universities. It's for the administering institution only. If candidates need TOEFL scores for admission to universities and colleges, they must take the TOEFL test. A-clearly-enough-explanation, huh?

So, yeah, I took the test last Wednesday. 
The score will actually be announced next two weeks after taking the test. But this morning I got a message popped up in my phone screen which told that all of the participants must come to the head office to take his/her score report.

Happiness comes a lot to my mind all this afternoon. Hahahhaha... weird enough, no?

So the question now is:
So tell me yours. Have you ever taken TOEFL either International or ITP? How was it like when you got your score report?
Like usual, answer on the comment box. :)

November 23, 2010

Me -in pictures


November 21, 2010


I love somebody
I love somebody
*don't tell anybody

November 06, 2010

#10 Someone I don’t talk to as much as i’d like to

  • My dad. It doesn't matter he's not the richest man on earth, as long as he listens to my stories.
  • My dad. It doesn't matter he's not the bravest man on earth, as long as he stays with me.
  • I love dad, no matter what. Because the thing that matters to me is always about who he is.
  • A fact that will never change: My dad is always my friend. A best one.

November 03, 2010

#9 Someone I Wish I Could Meet

Only if they live in Indonesia, I won't be this fanatic.

November 01, 2010

Happy Belated Halloween!

Candy, treats and witches brew

some for me and some for you.
Ghosts and goblins saying Boo!
A cold dark night that's mixed with fright.
It's best for a full moon.

Time for you to be someone new
with your costume.
Graveyards call and animals howl,
was that the wind or just an owl?
Creepy spirits swirl around
while little tots run through your town.
Pumpkins stare and blink with light.

Bats fly around with little sight.
An excuse to dress up your pets.
For some it's a night of regrets.

Oktober 30, 2010

#8 Internet Friend

She is KATHARINA NONNA, my favorite internet friend.
We met last year in a plaza, and she's been a nice friend every girl would wish for.
I really love the book she gave me (This Earth of Mankind).
She's nice to talk to... and simply funny.
OH, SHE IS CORNY TOO. :) Wish she would come to meet me again :(

Get connected with her,

Oh I  forget to tell you. I took some pictures with her. This is the most lovely one.


Wish YOU Were Here :(

Thinking about him. I slept, only to have him appear before me. Had I known it was a dream, I should never have awakened.

Oktober 28, 2010

I just love being unperfect!

Oktober 27, 2010


Hujan turun di sekelilingku
Meluluhlantakkan seluruh hasrat ku
Kau mungkin tak percaya
Aku menyebutnya sebagai rindu :'(

Oktober 25, 2010

It is sooo love!

Yesterday my friends asked me what love is.
I suddenly looked back and thought for seconds.
Then I said your name.
They laughed... :'(
Maybe they are the ones who don't really understand what love is.

Oktober 22, 2010


Bored enough for me to be able to edit an "I miss you"-themed picture. Brave enough to post it on Facebook. Coward enough not to tag his name on it.

...stupid Icha.

Well, I guess I did the right thing.

Not tagging his name at all.

...didn't I?

Oktober 21, 2010

#6 Stranger

Found out some news today about a good friend. A friend who I love and adore and consider a close friend. And yet I find out this exciting, life changing earth shattering news from someone else. How very sad I feel to have not been told personally . We don't see each other often as our life have taken different paths but I truly thought I would be involved when this time came. I very irrationally feel like I've been dumped. I know that nothing has really changed and when we speak I'll feel stupid for being upset. But for now...I am hurt.
It's nice when strangers become friends,
But it sucks when friends become strangers.

Oktober 18, 2010

Believe it or not, THIS is my favorite picture EVEEERRRR!

taken by Abang Diboyyyy, :p

My oh-so-nice face!




Oktober 13, 2010

A happy Belated Birthday

So today Sry (Ci) treated us for her birthday (actually her birthday was 4 days ago but we begged her to treat us; yeah I know we're some consumerism friends to her, HAHA). We spent a lot of times in  OLAKISAT :p. These are some of the wildly crazy pictures!


Left to right: Ci - Jenny - Darlia - Me - Mon - Masy

I'm soooo gonna print some of these pictures :)

Oktober 11, 2010

Fun With YEAH!

Just had a super super fun day with YEAH! Well, we're not actually a clique, we're just 4 people who's comfy enough with each other. These are my friends in college. Darlia , Jenny and Sry (cii). You can say that these people are my 'peer' groups because we always share the same classes and we always spend time together.
Talking about weekend. How did your weekend went? As for me, I went to Berastagi with them. We got a little bit stranded, but thank God we reached it on time.
These are some of the wildly crazy pictures!


Okay, time to wrap up the post. I'll see you next time. Have a great weekend!