September 30, 2010

Meet the Author

Hello guys! Nice to post again. Well, as you can see... Little Journal is changing its' background! Yeah, I was getting bored of the old one (the green one), so I decided to change the background and the little stuffs. Many thanks to Gilda who told me to go to Shabby for unlimited stock of cute blinkies and pictures. You should go there if you want to pimp your blog into a retro or girly way. Me and Gilda did, and we were painfully happy of the results. I wanna share some things about my real life. So check it out!

Ten Things i wish i could say to 10 different people (but don't say their names):
1. Have you ever thought just maybe, you belong with me?
2. I wish you could be a silent, nice mom who bakes pancakes. Not like this one. 
3. Damn, you are so annoying.
4. I don't know if you're even real because your life is so perfect, far from what they call 'dull'.
5. Stop interfering my private life, I call it private because I don't want other people to touch it.
6. I love you, you're my best friend ever!
7. We haven't really talked, so I guess we're strangers now.
8. Stop dominating my father like you're his only child.
9. You're attractive, so enough with the staring and start introducing ourselves.
10. Really proud of you because you stand so strong even though you're not supported by your environment.
Eleven things about myself:
1. A family person (really wants to have my own family).
2. When it comes to matters of the heart, I fight back, not cry in disappointment.
3. I'm an over-analytical and sometimes I piss off people with this trait.
4. A true Aries, a true curious goat.
5. I don't like people who wants to know about my private life.
6. My tongue is very sharp. Sometimes I can't even hold what I'm saying.
7. A true realist.
8. Loves music more than anything else.
9. I find social studies are more interesting than science. NOTE THAT!
10. Pretty much egotistic.
11. I really hate copycat.

Eight ways to win my heart:
1. You're kind.
2. You have a superb sense of humor.
3. You appreciate the way I look and don't even have a thought of changing it.
4. You appreciate things in life.
5. You want to see me as a lover and as your best friend.
6. You don't try too hard to be a romantic, because I suck at being romantic.
7. You don't keep me waiting, although my patience is worth to try.
8. You have great self-confidence and feel comfort with yourself.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1. What my future is gonna be.
2. When I'm gonna move out from Medan.
3. How's my 'prince charming' doing out there.
4. Money, money, money.
5. How to save money in a more practical and approachable way.
6. How to please myself and others.
7. What book should I read on weekends.

Six things I do before I fall asleep:
1. Log out of my Biscotti
2. Wash my face
3. Say good night to Giulietta
4. Pray
5. Texting/tweeting/joking around with my phone until I feel sleepy enough
6. Thinking what to dream about

Five things constantly in your possession:
1. My body
2. My way of thinking
3. My personality traits
4. My clothes
5. My shoes

Five things you did today:
1. Eating
2. Cleaning my room
3. Browsing
4. Sleeping
5. Listening to musics

Three places which mean a lot to you:
1. Home is where the heart is
2. My high school and my university
3. My room

Two things you want to do before you die:
1. Get married
2. Make my parents proud of me

One confession:
1. I write this blog in English to exercise my English ability. But sometimes I write in Indonesian.

September 28, 2010

#2 Dear Crush

Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

Adam, I can be your Eve if you let me to. :)

September 27, 2010

who i really am

I've got people asking, "who the hell is Marisha Eliana ?"
Let me answer that goddamn question now.

The name is Marisha Eliana. It may sound American-German, but I have no American-German blood in me. I am Bataknese born Indonesian. I'm sick of people asking me if I'm a Chinese or I have Chinese blood in me. I aint Chinese and Chinese doesn't run in my blood.
I am turning to twenty two next year, straight, single, and christian. I'm wondering if aliens really exist.
I was born on March 24, 1989, and that makes me an Aries.
I go to Methodist University of Indonesia, and I am now officially a student of English Literature . I find social studies more interesting than science, NOTE THAT!

I am an amateur swimmer, a part time pathetic writer, a full time daughter, and a freelance teacher and dancer.
I am a wordsmith. I am a thinker. And my motto is, if  I want it, I will get it.
I am a day-dreamer. I am always ate. I love my apple cheeks.

I speak Indonesian, English, Batak language, and French. I'd like to learn German and Spanish.
I would really love to visit New York. (amen)

I am interested in books, arts, music, Taylor Swift,  movies & internet.
I scream, I cry, I laugh, I smile. Well, basically I do things normal people do, the difference is, I do it my way.

I love my family very much. You know I will always do.

September 22, 2010


      Guess what? I'm sick right now. I have cough, in detail ‘phthisis’, or in Indonesian "batuk kering". This disease started the last two weeks. After having meatball as my dinner with my bestie, I felt very thirsty, so I drunk a glass of mango juice. And the next following evening, suddenly I felt an irritating sensation in my throat. It felt like it was being scratched by a small insect or something. I cough to clear my throat. When I looked at myself in the mirror, there’s nothing wrong with my neck. I managed to make stroking motions on it, though it felt like something was keeping my neck from being calm down, and my throat suddenly looked worse than it was. I couldn’t stop coughing. DOH!!! I connected to the internet straight-away, and found out that I was having phthisis.

      The pain worsen until today. The worst thing is in the night, when I find out I couldn't stop coughing because I felt like there was a fishbone is stuck in my throat. My bestie, Citra, asked me to buy something to calm it down. So I decided to buy cough medicine. I’m not gonna post its brand name here. Actually I really don’t like to take medicine to cure my disease, but this phthisis has bothered my activities. So I decided to take it. You know, I have consumed this antitussive for two days yet I still have that irritating sensation. I thought I’m going to be okay. And now my throat is still in bad condition. Then I tried to ask my internet friend, Tora, to do an anamnesis on me. He suggested me to buy another cough medicine. I have drunk it (and antibiotics also, because the chemist asked me to take it together with the antitussive) for two days but the irritating sensation doesn’t want to go far away from me. People got me think if I have Tubercolosis, Pneumonia, Bronchitis. Oh God, what happen to me? What’s wrong with my respiratory tract? I can’t stop coughing. So hurting!!!

      Okay, enough from the introductory. From what I can assume, cough is a natural response that guards our lungs. Coughing is helpful in cleaning of our airways from irritants, like smoke and mucus. This cleaning prevents infection (taken from Wikipedia). Also cough can be an indication of a medical problem. Coughing occurs when our airways become irritated. Usually the causes of coughing are from some materials (like smoke and pollen), medical circumtances, and medicines; although in some cases, coughing is a small symptom of bigger disease. Usually a person can get infected by coughing from doing actions with a person who is having coughing. This reminds me that two weeks ago I played with a baby who was having coughing, according to his mother. That's why the disease spread on me.

       While most people consider cough is a small disease, it can be a serious disease if not being treated well. For small medication, you can drink much of warm water (WARM, not HOT), or just take antitussive. If the disease doesn't go well in 3 days, you better consult a doctor.
     I hope this post will broaden your knowledge about daily diseases that you might get everyday. Remember, preventing is better than curing.

"Life's purpose is not to be understood, but to be lived." –Marisha Eliana

September 21, 2010


Cinta menerbangkan aku jauh ke langit
Ku lihat indah, sejuk, dan damai saat kau menggandengku melintasi langit
tapi kenapa cinta terlalu jauh menerbangkanku?
hingga mataku gelap tak melihat apa-apa
hanya sakit yang ku rasakan saat aku tau
Aku terjatuh....

 Love flew me far away to the sky
Beauty, freshness, and state of mind were all the things I could see,
when you hold these hands by air
but why did it fly me too much from this earth?
and made both of my very own stupid eyes blind
It was only hurt  I got
when I knew I'm fallen.... 

So.. this afternoon I wrote my very first poem of my own. And it rhymes :)
I don't know if it's any good, I'll just let you describe it.
I made it in two versions, Indonesian and English. Enjoy it!

September 20, 2010


Enak ya jadi gedung tinggi ini,
Tidak perlu jatuh,
Tidak perlu menangis,
Tidak perlu menitikkan air mata

Paling kalau gedungnya sudah tua

September 18, 2010

#1 Best Friend

The one that brings the best in me. :')
For hearing my thoughts, understanding my problems, loving me as a best friend, I thank you. I really do. Forever I will always love you.

September 17, 2010


Day 1 — Your Best Friend

Day 2 — Your Crush

Day 3 — Your parents

Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)

Day 5 — Your ambitions

Day 6 — A stranger

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend

Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet

Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you

Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from

Day 15 — The person you miss the most

Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country

Day 17 — Someone from your childhood

Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be

Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad

Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest

Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression

Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to

Day 23 — The last person you kissed

Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory

Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times

Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to

Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day

Day 28 — Someone that changed your life

Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

well, let's see if i can make it through :D

September 15, 2010

This picture of mine

That someone's been asking for.

September 07, 2010

Single Soul, Two Bodies.

Hari ini berjalan seperti biasanya. Aku pulang kuliah, dijemput supir, ke kantor Ayah, dilanjutkan makan siang di mall. Hidupku hampa sekali, isinya hanya ada aku yang selalu menguping percakapan Ayah di telepon mengenai bisnis.

"Mau makan di mana hari ini?"

Sebenarnya aku berharap Ayah akan menanyakan kabarku, bagaimana hari-hariku di kampus bagaimana hasil ujianku, apakah aku sedang ingin makan atau tidak. Aku ingin Ayah memelukku. Pertanyaan dengan 6 kata yang tidak pernah berubah sedari dulu.
"Terserah Ayah."

"Den, ke Plaza Medan Fair ya."

Medan Fair lagi, Medan Fair lagi. Kalimat itu juga yang selalu Ayah instruksikan pada Pak Deni, supir kami. Pasti kami akan makan di Solaria. Ralat, hanya aku yang akan makan, dan Ayah akan sibuk berbicara dengan rekan bisnisnya di telepon.


Di dalam restoran, aku memesan menu seperti biasanya, Chicken Curry dan Tofu Salad, tentunya dengan segelas Milkshake dingin. Duniaku sepi sekali, tempat ini juga sepi sekali. Kami duduk di atas sofa besar dan meja yang bisa dibilang terlalu besar untuk 2 orang.

Seorang mahasiswi dengan wajah lesu memasukkan potongan daging ke mulutnya dengan sangat pelan. Tidak ada semangat hidup. Sementara seorang laki-laki berusia 40-an duduk dengan jarak 60 cm di sampingnya menggunakan telepon genggam dan sibuk berbicara dengan entah-siapa-itu di dalam telepon tanpa memperdulikan gadis yang duduk semeja dengannya.

Ya, gadis itu adalah aku dan laki-laki itu adalah Ayahku.


Ayah langsung mengeluarkan kartu kreditnya untuk membayar makananku. 3 menit kemudian, kami keluar dan kembali duduk di dalam mobil dengan keheningan.

Seperti hari-hari biasanya juga, aku diantar pulang ke rumah dan Ayah kembali ke kantor diantar oleh Pak Deni. Di dalam rumah, di dalam kamar, aku dapat mengekspresikan hatiku. Di dalam sana aku tidak perlu keheningan, aku dapat memasang lagu favoritku sekencang-kencangnya, berteriak sepuasnya.

Yang aku tahu, Ayah selalu pulang ke rumah di atas jam 00.00 dan tidak pernah sekalipun menengok diriku di dalam kamar. Aku berangkat ke kampus pagi-pagi dan Ayah belum bangun dari tidurnya.

Dapat disimpulkan, aku hanya bertemu dirinya di saat-saat tadi, makan siang yang hampa.

Hari ini berjalan seperti biasanya. Aku menunggu dijemput oleh Deni, supirku, dan putri sulungku yang baru pulang kuliah, menjemputku, dan dilanjutkan makan siang di mall . Hidupku hampa sekali, isinya hanya ada aku yang meneliti bagaimana cara putriku makan.

"Mau makan di mana hari ini?"
"Terserah Ayah."

Sebenarnya aku berharap putriku akan menanyakan kabarku, bagaimana hari-hariku di kantor, bagaimana hasil proyekku, apakah aku sedang ingin makan atau tidak. Aku ingin dia memelukku. Jawaban dengan 2 kata yang tidak pernah berubah sedari dulu.

"Den, ke Plaza Medan Fair ya."


Sindiran singkat lagi, sindiran singkat lagi. Dehaman singkat itu yang selalu putriku lontarkan di mobil. Aku tidak mengerti. Kami akan makan di Solaria. Ralat, hanya putriku yang akan makan, tanpa menawariku.

Di dalam restoran, putriku memesan menu seperti biasanya, Chicken Curry dan Tofu Salad, tentunya dengan segelas Milkshake dingin. Duniaku sepi sekali, tempat ini juga sepi sekali. Kami duduk di atas sofa besar dan meja yang bisa dibilang terlalu besar untuk 2 orang.

Seorang mahasiswi dengan wajah lesu memasukkan potongan daging ke mulutnya dengan sangat pelan. Tidak ada semangat hidup. Sementara seorang laki-laki berusia 40-an duduk dengan jarak 60 cm di sampingnya menggunakan telepon genggam dan sibuk berbicara dengan entah-siapa-itu di dalam telepon tanpa memperdulikan gadis yang duduk semeja dengannya.

Ya, gadis itu adalah putriku dan laki-laki itu adalah Aku.


Aku ingin dia mengatakan itu dengan senyuman ataupun sedikit basa-basi. 1 kata untuk sebuah pernyataan dan permintaan sangat tidak berarti dan membingungkan.

Aku langsung mengeluarkan kartu kredit untuk membayar makanannya. 3 menit kemudian, kami keluar dan kembali duduk di dalam mobil dengan keheningan.

Seperti hari-hari biasanya juga, aku mengantar putriku pulang ke rumah dan aku kembali ke kantor diantar oleh Deni. Di dalam kantor, di dalam ruangan, aku dapat mengekspresikan hatiku. Di dalam sana aku tidak perlu keheningan, aku dapat memasang lagu favoritku sekencang-kencangnya, berteriak sepuasnya.

Yang aku tahu, putriku selalu tidur di bawah jam 00.00 dan tidak pernah sekalipun mencari diriku yang pulang di atas jam 00.00. Dia berangkat ke kampus pagi-pagi dan aku belum bangun dari tidur.

Dapat disimpulkan, aku hanya bertemu dirinya di saat-saat tadi, makan siang yang hampa.