Juni 29, 2010

It’s Not What They Say about You, It’s What They Whisper about You.

Before you judge me, try hard to love me -Michael Jackson, Have you seen my childhood lyrics.

Hai … kali ini aku mau bagi cerita bagus yang aku dapetin dari temennya-temen (make a lot of friends…sebisa mungkin jangan pilih-pilih…pilih-pilih itu buat mereka yang masih anak-anak; percaya deh, kita bisa belajar banyak dari orang2 yang ga seperti kita atau yang ngga kita sukain).
Ceritanya gini… teman dekat aku punya sodara namanya Pak Cuy, kebetulan hari itu teman aku ada acara keluarga dengan pak Cuy ini, dan dia ajak aku ikut serta.
Topik utama pembicaraan kami setelah acara informal tersebut selesai adalah tentang teman dekat aku ini, sebut aja Vella. Waktu itu Vella bingung ngambil keputusan karena takut pendapat orang lain terhadap keputusannya dan takut mengecewakan orang lain.
Terus…Pa Cuy yang usianya sudah kepala empat itu bilang gini:
Jangan pernah mengambil keputusan atau tidak mengambil keputusan karena takut apa kata orang. Saya punya cerita, ada seorang Bapak yang mau mengajarkan anaknya tentang mengambil keputusan atas dasar pertimbangan dan kesadaran sendiri. Bapak ini kemudian mengajak sang anak berkeliling desa-desa dengan membawa seekor kuda. Karena anak tersebut lebih kecil, maka Bapak tersebut menyuruh anak kekasihnya itu untuk menunggangi kuda, dan sementara itu ia berjalan di samping kuda yang ditunggangi anaknya tersebut. Kemudian masuklah mereka ke desa pertama. Begitu mereka masuk ke desa pertama, berbisik-bisiklah pada warga desa sambil memandang sinis kepada kedua orang itu, kata mereka tentang bapak dan anak itu: ”Sungguh tidak tau diri dan tidak sopan anak itu, teganya ia menunggangi kuda sementara ayahnya dibiarkannya berjalan” mendengar kata-kata itu, maka bertukaran posisi lah bapak dan anak itu.
Kemudian mereka memasuki desa kedua. Sampai di desa kedua, warga desa itu pun dengan terang-terangan berkata-kata kepada bapak dan anak tersebut: Sungguh tega engkau Bapak, engkau menaiki kuda sementara anakmu yang kecil dan lemah dibiarkan berjalan”. Mendengar kata-kata tersebut, maka naiklah serta Sang Bapak ke atas kuda, sehingga tidak ada yang tidak adil.
Kemudian mereka melanjutkan perjalanan ke desa ketiga. Tiba di desa tersebut, warga desa tersebut mulai berdesas-desus dan desas-desus tersebut kemudian sampai ke telinga Bapak dan Anak tersebut. Kata warga desa sambil memandang penuh penghakiman kepada Bapak dan Anak tersebut: ”Tega sekali kalian membiarkan kuda lemah seperti itu menanggung beban seberat kalian berdua, sungguh tidak berhati”. Maka turunlah Bapak dan Anak tersebut, kemudian mereka bersama-sama menggendong kuda tersebut di atas pundak mereka sambil meneruskan perjalanan.

Sungguh tidak masuk akal bukan? Akibat mendengarkan perkataan orang, mereka malah melakukan hal yang tidak masuk akal dan bodoh. Begitu juga dengan kita, jalan yang kita pilih ngga selalu benar, tapi kalau kita melakukan sesuatu atau tidak melakukan sesuatu hanya karena takut akan pendapat orang lain atau takut digunjingkan orang lain, kita ngga bisa mencapai apa yang kita mau...karena kita ngga bisa menyenangkan semua orang...dan ngga perlu; yang penting kita tau jelas apa tujuan kita, that’s it...konsentrasi aja ke situ. Ayo...semangat!!!

Marisha Siburian—Dalam kisah-kisah dari teman yang menyentuh hatiku.

Have a biggest dream everyone...God created us in His image...and He is great, it means that we’re destine to be great too.

Juni 28, 2010

Tanda Kutip

Aku suka banget quotes-quotes dan kisah hidup orang-orang (mulai dari orang biasa kayak kalian :p sampai kisah OMGWisdom dan teman-temannya) itu kayak eskriiiim buat aku; tiga hal yang bikin ‘bangun’. So…here’re some of the quotes that I really like:

"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you"?" -Arthur Ward

“When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

"It is better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride.”

"If you know yourself and love yourself, you have no problem with others reacting to anything you do."

Quotes from Facing the Giants:

“You got to honor God in every situation, in your job, in your relationship, at home while surfing the internet.”

“Your attitude is like the aroma of your heart, if your attitude stinks, (that) means your heart isn’t right”

“Stay humble but confident”

“You can’t judge your father by his actions and judge yourself by your intentions; it doesn’t work that way”

Quotes I am amaze with:

You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else?

Make your day everyone!!—Marisha Siburian, dalam kesadaran bahwa kita semua bisa mengubah dunia ini jadi lebih baik, seenggaknya bagi diri sendiri dan orang-orang di sekitar kita.

Juni 23, 2010


Hey you… you’re so mysterious… it’s just something about you… something…something in you shivers me inside.

I gotta know you Mr. Man… I gotta know you. See sir… u’re all and all… but my middle name is I-gotta-get-what-I-want and my mom begins my name with Curiosity.

Let me ask Mr. Google who claims that he search better and quicker than a physic. Type your name on it, with bit details of your background, added details: black, muscled, sharp-eye, bla, bla, bla… GEE… it doesn’t work like what I’ve used to see in the movies… nothing came up… nothing deep came up from Mr. Google, he didn’t know your favorite movie, your favorite color, your happiest moments in life, your heartbreaking moments in life.

The only way to know you is through you. I’m shy… I’m a shy bird… but …not knowing about you is painful for me. So here I am… with my hairdo, with my red laced mini dress, and a black stiletto to walk with: standing in front of your door.
Knocking once… (my heart’s pounding)…knocking twice (I shouted in my heart: Dear Lord help me… Dear God don’t let him answer the door)… knocking at the third time (and I almost lost faith in us Dear…)… but God is good and He listens…so there you are with your deep black eyes, answering the door and greeted me with your comforting voice.

Love isn’t that complicated after all, love is a power, a power to speak to those who’s shy, a power to be courageous for those who’s fearful, a power to be strong for those who’s weak, a power to cry to those who’s reserved, a power to be a better man than he was before. Love is great… just great… thank you Mr. Man.
Marisha Siburian-IN LOVE

A Little Bit More Me

Sometimes in life, like everybody else does, I took some times to stop and reflect on life.

As I remember every path that I’ve passed, as I remember those people whose path I’ve crossed; I realized it was only at my stopping time that I understand why did some things happened to me, and why did certain people crossed my life path…some stay for a while some even longer and some stay still with me.

Those happenings in life, taught me many things, some of them I would most likely go through again and some of them I would chose not to go through anymore...because of the pain or hardship of that certain moments.

Those people, have they done me right or wrong, taught me a lot of things, I believe God let them cross my path cause that’s the only best way for me to learn something God wanted me to learn and I believe this applies the same to those whose path I’ve crossed, God wanted them to learn something from me, have I done them right or wrong.

Some of them, crossed my path without realizing or knowing that their being there had helped me to grow to be a better woman and to learn good things; some of them thought that they have done me wrong without giving me any good lesson, well that’s wrong>>> for everything works all together for the goodness of us…always have faith in that.

Most of the times, when people crossed my life I didn’t understand or realize why did theirs passed mine, only after that or at my stopping time that I realize what have they taught me...and for that I haven’t give them thanks.

So…this writing goes to those who’ve passed my path… thank you… wish you all a life full of blessings, courage, and laughter…for you don’t know how much and in what way you’ve blessed me.

For all of the happenings in my life, and all the people whose path crosses mine have all work together to make a better me… to make me a little bit more ME… a little bit more MARISHA.

Marisha Siburian—in gratitude to the happenings in my life and the people crosses my path of life…Terima kasih banyak ya…